Police Management Certificate Course (PMCC) for ASP
Police Management Certificate Course (PMCC) is the core course for the Police Officers in the rank of Assistant Superintendents Police. It is the cornerstone program in the Development of Bangladesh Police leaders. This program is developmental and experience sharing based in terms of both theoretical and applied. Case studies are used based on actual events. There are some field visits to make the course pragmatic and actionable. These opportunities of group work, exercises and experiences help participants better understanding of their own behaviour and how their ability to influence others.
The content includes strategic planning, critical incident management, intelligence management, change management and innovation, contemporary leadership & leadership theory, policy development, media management, police ethics, and human rights etc.
Course objectives:
► To enhance the knowledge of basic human resource management to run different police
► To develop the core competencies of leadership to be confident on facing challenges in the
different arenas of the profession.
► To get acquainted with the rules relating to the public order management, force and
resource mobilization and big event management.
► To acquire the knowledge on various managerial issues such as office management and
project management for effective legal service delivery.
► To orient with the knowledge on good governance, human rights and gender issues.
► To have a clear understanding of some cross cutting issues like National Integrity Policy,
digitalization of Bangladesh Police, innovations on Bangladesh Police
On successful completion of the program, participants should be able to achieve the following course learning outcomes:
► Critically examine the leadership behaviours and managerial skills required to mobilize
others to achieve organizational outcomes
► Acquire a strong mental and leadership capability to face the contemporary challenges of
disaster management, public order management or even stress management.
► Can have clear grasp on ethical approaches to force application in policing.
► Critically analyze the trends that influence the objectives of the policing
► Analyze the plan for complex management problems
► Broaden their knowledge on executive level decisions, particularly in the areas of policy,
human resource management and public accountability.
► Extend their acquaintance with diverse communities.